Newborn Lifestyle Session | Baby Avery

It’s no secret that capturing newborn lifestyle sessions is pretty much my favourite thing to do. Those are the days which are so magical, exciting and new, but are also so exhausting, emotional and full of getting to know this new little person who has changed your life forever. These days are also so very fleeting, even if they don’t always feel that way. Your baby changes, your routines evolve and one day you realize that your little one has outgrown their newborn outfit, is starting to smile, and has lost their newborn cry. Capturing your baby and your family as they are in these early weeks in your own home, lets you press pause on life as it is now so that you can always remember it just as it was.

Avery is so beautiful I could have stayed all day capturing her cuteness. She is so happy and content. Her older sister Sawyer took some time to warm up to me as most toddlers do but once she did we spent time reading books, looking at her favourite toys and she showed me how much she loved her little sister.

Thank you to this gorgeous family for inviting me into your home to capture some memories for you of life as it is today. Each day, each stage and each moment is truly worth holding onto, appreciating and remembering and every time someone chooses me as their photographer, I feel so blessed!